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What are ‘Conditions' and ‘Actions’ in the Rule Manager?
For the Rule Manager to work you need to set ‘Conditions’ and ‘Actions’.
What are ‘Conditions’?
The ‘Conditions’ tells the Rule Manager what to look for when your items are imported. When you click on ‘Add Condition’ you can choose from the following:
- ‘Marketplace’ - Choose this option to target specific marketplace items such as eBay, Amazon and Etsy. Your selections will be highlighted in blue.
- ‘Fits in Package’ - If you usually send your items in a specific box size and would like to avoid having to keep changing the dimensions of your imported items, then choose this option. From the selection choose the box size relevant to you.
- ‘Country’ - For items going to a specific country, choose this option.
- ‘Customer Email’ - Choosing this option will help you to target email groups such as gmail.com or yahoo.com. You can also add individual email addresses.
- ‘Item Value’ - Choose this option to set rules based on the value of your item.
- ‘Weight’ - Choose the weight option to make the Rule Manager find a specific weighted item.
- ‘Quantity’ - Choose quantity to allow the Rule Manager to look for a specific quantity.
- ‘Height’ - To make the Rule Manager find a specific height choose this option.
- ‘Length’ - To make the Rule Manager find a specific length choose this option. Make sure you choose the right condition from the second form field, for example, ‘Is’ or ‘Is less than or equal to’.
- ‘Width’ - To make the Rule Manager find a specific width choose this option.
- ‘Item Name’ - Choose item name to make the Rule Manager find specific item containing a certain word. For example, you can choose ‘Contains’ from the condition form field and then add the value of ‘Phone’. Any item now imported by the Rule Manager will apply this rule if it contains that word. This option is also great for changing the names of your items.
- ‘eBay Service’ - The Rule Manager can also target your parcel settings from eBay. Any setting you have set in eBay can be found when imported and then changed.
What are ‘Actions’?
The ‘Actions’ section allows the Rule Manager to make changes to your imported items. When you click on ‘Add Action’ you will have the following to choose from:
- ‘Service’ - Choose a service to use for your imported item.
- ‘Package’ - Choose your choice of package from the images shown to you.
- ‘Item Value’ - Choosing item value will set the value of your item.
- ‘Weight’ - This option will set the weight of your item based on the conditions you’ve set.
- ‘Quantity’ - This option will amend the quantities of your item. This option is perfect for heavy items you may want to send to your customer in multiple parcels.
- ‘Height’ - This option will amend the height of your item.
- ‘Length’ - This option will amend the length of your item.
- ‘Width’ - This option will amend the width of your item.
- ‘Item Name’ - Choosing the item name allows you to change the name of your item. For example, you could set a condition to find items with the word ‘Phone Case’ in its title. If your item has a long descriptive name you can simplify it by changing it to ‘Phone Case’.
- ‘Full Parcel Protection’ - This option will add Full Parcel Protection to your item.
- ‘£20 Parcel Protection’ - This option will add £20 Parcel Protection to your item.
- ‘Money Back Guarantee’ - This option will add Money Back Guarantee to your item.
- ‘Delivery Signature’ - This option will add a Delivery Signature to your item.
- ‘Delivery SMS’ - This option will add a Delivery SMS to your item.
- ‘Don’t Import’ - With this option, you can stop the Rule Manager from importing your items. For example, you could set a condition to find items weighing less than 1kg and then the action could be to not import these.
- ‘Save for Later’ - This option will import the items however will automatically save them for later.
Click here to learn how to use the Rule Manager