My parcel is missing in transit. How do I start an investigation?

If you believe your parcel is missing in transit, we advise that you check whether or not your parcel has passed it’s expected delivery date.

Enter your parcel details here to find your estimated time of delivery.

If you're the recipient

- Please contact the sender if you have not received your parcel within the estimated delivery date. They will contact us to make enquiries on your behalf.

If you're the sender

- If your parcel is past its expected delivery date, you can contact us to open an enquiry.

- To start the enquiry process, click here and enter the details of your parcel, then follow the on-screen instructions.

To be eligible for a loss claim:

- You must notify us within 28 days from when the parcel was collected or received by us.

- The item you sent must not appear on our prohibited items list.

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