How to Organise Your Wardrobe and Choose an App to Sell Clothes

Want to get organised this spring? Maybe you have a holiday booked but none of your old clothes are quite right for it? Changed size? We’ve all been there!

If you have items in your wardrobe that you don’t wear anymore, sell them to make money and buy clothes that you’ll reach for time and time again.

This time of year, everyone is booking and planning holidays. So not only is it a great time to buy, but it’s a great time to sell your old summer clothes because people like you will be looking for those vital items to carry them through the warmer months.

So let’s look at how to organise your wardrobe and the best selling sites and apps to sell clothes on.


How to Spring Clean and Organise Your Wardrobe

Our unofficial first tip is to carve out a decent chunk of time and put on a playlist of your favourite, or most motivating, songs. A wardrobe clear out can feel long and laborious so turn the tunes up and know that you’ll feel super accomplished and organised afterwards!

1. Pull Everything Out

Yeah, we know. But it has to get worse before it gets better.

If you just want to tidy up the different sections you already have, then pulling clothes out section by section rather than stripping your wardrobe can stop you from getting overwhelmed.

However, if you’re considering a full switch around, i.e. the trousers are going where the tops once were, then removing everything from the space is the best place to start.


Woman looking at her wardrobe with hands on hips


2. Separate into Categories

Your categories can be as simple as ‘Tops’ and ‘Bottoms’ or you can go into specifics of ‘Denim’, ‘Shorts’, ‘Skirts’ - it really depends on how many clothes you have.

But don’t get too caught up in creating the perfect piles, as you can still move things around once you start putting the items back into your wardrobe.

While you’re categorising, you will already start to see things you definitely don’t want anymore as well as bits that you’re unsure about - you can put those into separate piles too:

  • Sell
  • Maybe
  • Chuck
  • Repair

Before throwing anything in the bin, see if you can repair it. If it’s a piece you love, it could even be worth taking it to a tailor. If you’re ready to get rid then it’s worth looking into your local textiles recycling point (a quick Google will usually bring up at least a handful of options for disposing damaged clothes).


Clothes piled into a cardboard box


3. Optimise the Space

Before looking at what goes where, give your wardrobe a good clean.

It’s tempting to put everything back where it was, and if that worked, then go for it. But if you’ve stumbled across this article, then you’re probably looking for a change. Is there a way you can use the space better?

It might be putting the items you love the most in the easiest to reach section. Or is it a case of getting extra storage boxes so you can keep the space neat and tidy?

IKEA is renowned for their cheap and practical storage boxes. Or if you’re feeling creative, why not use what you have? Old delivery boxes, while not the prettiest, can be super practical for storage - and they’re free!

Asking to keep the hanger when you go shopping is also a great way to save money and make the most of your wardrobe space.


Piles of clothes on woman's bed as she decides what to put away


4. Give Your Clothes a New Home in the Wardrobe

Once you’re well equipped and know what’s going where, start putting your clothes back into places that will work best for you. Organising by colour is always satisfying but really think about what you want the experience of getting dressed to go like when choosing a home for your clothes.

If wardrobe space is an issue, leave some of your bulky winter clothes behind for a few months, but make sure you put your summer clothes in an area where you can easily swap them out later on.

Remember we are in the UK, so don’t be too cut throat when it comes to seasonal organisation - the rain is never too far away!


Hands putting a pile of folded t-shirts into a wardrobe


5. Sell Unwanted Clothes

Once all your favourite garms are back in their place, you should be left with your ‘Maybe’ and ‘Sell’ piles.

If you have the time, it’s worth seeing how you can style up your Maybe items. Finding a new way to dress up these pieces might see you falling back in love with them. Be brutal when it comes to keeping your Maybe clothes though - there’s a reason they’re there in the first place!

Put the things you think you’ll reware back in the wardrobe and then combine your remaining Maybes with your Sell pile.

Now it’s time to make some money!


Lady taking a picture of a top to sell on phone


Selling Sites and Apps to Sell Clothes

There are loads of selling sites and apps to sell clothes out there. From Vinted to Grailed, eBay and Shpock - you’re spoilt for choice. So it’s about finding the one that works best for you.

Before you get snapping those product pics, check out our blogs:

We explain everything from how to photograph products to shipping your items!


Best Place to Sell Clothes Online

Let’s look at the benefits of each popular second hand clothing app to help you figure out which one to use.

Sell on Depop if you:

  • Can take quality photos of your items - you don’t need to be a professional photographer but well taken photos always see products get more interest
  • Want to avoid listing fees
  • Are happy to communicate with buyers - reviews mean a lot on Depop so simply answering buyers’ questions means you could be on your way to 5 stars
Depop Fees:

While it is free to list your items on Depop, the second hand fashion app takes 10% of the final sale price, plus a 2.5% transaction fee (3.4% if you use PayPal).


Sell on Vinted if you:

  • Want to avoid seller fees completely, including having the buyer pay for shipping
  • Are happy to sell for a slightly lower price point (because of the lack of fees a lot of customers expect lower prices in comparison to Depop)
  • Are willing to negotiate - buyers use the ‘Make an Offer’ button freely on Vinted, so be prepared to barter
Vinted Fees:

Vinted is fully free for sellers. You don’t need to pay transaction fees either because all payments are taken through the platform and buyers are responsible for shipping and paying a buyer protection fee.


Sell on Vestiaire Collective if you:

  • Are selling luxury or premium items - Vestiaire Collective is most popular for the resale of designer items from the likes of Dior, Gucci, Balenciaga and more
  • Don’t mind your listings being reviewed - as the platform is more curated than other apps, Vestiaire’s team will review listings before accepting them
  • Want to avoid shipping fees - once you sell an item, Vestiaire will send you a shipping label free of charge
Vestiaire Collective Fees:

Listing an item on Vestiaire Collective is free but you will be charged a selling fee of 12% from the final sale price of each item if it’s listed from £80-£16,500. If you list the item for less than £80, the selling fee is fixed at £10.

If you’re looking to sell on another popular ecommerce platform, such as eBay or Shpock, check out our 2022 Marketplace Selling Guide. We look at the pros, cons, and fees for popular selling sites, which are definitely worth checking out if you’re hoping to sell more than just clothes in the future.


Man on clothes selling app next toempty cardboard box


How to Ship Your Sold Clothes

While some second hand clothing apps ask the buyer to pay for shipping, most marketplaces still put the responsibility of delivery on the seller.

As a seller, you want to make sure you choose a service that is fast, reliable and cheap - if you’re selling a fair few things, you don’t want to be breaking the bank every time.

At Parcel2Go, not only do we offer the cheapest shipping in the UK from just £2.15 exc VAT but we have a catalogue of couriers and services to choose from. Whether you need next day delivery or want your parcel collected from the comfort of your own home - we’ve got you.

Get a free instant quote to find out exactly how much it’ll cost you to ship your second hand clothes.

If you’re wondering how to best package your clothes for shipping, see our clothing postage guide.

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